Can stammering be cured through speech therapy?

What is stammering? 

When someone repeats or gets stuck when trying to speak, the condition is known as stammering. Stammering involves frequent problems with normal fluency and flow of speech. Nearly 1 percent of people worldwide stammer, and in India, it is estimated 11 to 12 million have stammering issues.


Now let’s know the factors that may cause stammering.

  • Stammering is a genetic speech disorder. If parents have stammering problems, there is 50%-70% chance that the child can stammer as well. 
  • If left-handers were restrained or forced to use their right hand, they might develop stammering problems.
  • Most children stammer while speaking their first word, which is normal. However, if they are forced to say the right words, it can lead to stammering issues in future.


Stammering can certainly have psychological consequences for those who live with this disorder. However, just like other conditions, stammering can be treated with speech therapy. 

Is stammering curable? 

Stammering issues can significantly impact the mental and emotional health of the person living with this disorder. They suffer from low self-confidence and begin to question their self-worth. Those who stammer often face embarrassment in their daily life, and hence most of the time, they prefer to stay silent. 

There is no instant cure for stammering. However, it can be treated with speech therapy which will help to improve your flow and fluency of speech. 

In children, it is 100% possible to cure stammering and in adults speech therapy can treat 60%-80% of stammering issues. 

So if you feel ashamed because of your stammering issues, you can consult a speech therapist at a stammering cure centre and get cured of this condition. 

What are the treatment options for stammering?

It is possible to cure stammering with the help of speech therapy. But what does speech therapy do? 

There are different types of stammering. A certified speech therapist will examine your condition and, depending upon the type of stammering, will start your stammering treatment. 

Speech therapists focus on the rate of your speech and teach you methods to slow down your speech while speaking. Moreover, speech therapists will also work on strengthening your lips, jaw, and mouth muscles to improve your speaking ability. 

One of the treatment plans for stammering is the Midvas approach which includes motivation, identification, desensitization, variation, approximation, and stabilization. 

Speech therapists might work individually or in groups depending on the severity of your condition, and it may take up to 6-9 months for an effective recovery. 

As parents, it is also important to be aware of stammering treatment. Whenever you notice that your child is stammering, it is advisable to consult a certified speech therapist for early diagnosis. 


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